I accidentally added a misspelled word to my word processor's custom dictionary, so I had to edit it, which required a long, convoluted, painful web search for instructions. But once I had it open, I reviewed it and found all kinds of weird stuff in it. Here are the interesting ones:
alluviation, bioarchaeology, bioarchaeological, calendrically, ceiba, cenote, Chaak, chert, Chichigalpa, Chontal, Chorotega, Chorrera, chroma, conchoidal, Cosigüina, Cosmapa, Cusirisna, debitage, eastings, ecofacts, econophysics, ethnoarchaeological, Ethnoarchaeology, ethnohistoric, ethnohistorical, ethnohistorically, ethnohistory, extrajudicially, fechamiento, flintknapper, flintknapping, fractality, francosa, francoso, geoarchaeological, georeference, georeferenced, georeferencing, hammerstone, hammerstones, handaxes, Ixtepeque, Izamal, Jōmon, knapper, knappers, lacunarity, lithics, Manteño, Maribio, Maribios, matings, Mayapán, Mazatega, megafauna, micaceous, midden, middens, Middens, Nahua, Ocós, osteological, paleobotánicos, Paleodemography, perimortem, Physiographically, Postclassic, Preclassic, Puuc, replicability, Research, schadenfreude, sedentism, seriation, sherds, Somotillo, Speleothem, Springer, Stela, stelae, suprayacente, swidden, symphysis, tafonomía, tafonómica, tafonómicos, taphonomy, Tecoh, Telchaquillo, Términos, toponyms, uncountably, Undergraduate, undiagnostic, unslipped, vigesimal, Yucatec
Why should you care?
It's very revealing, practically a list of keywords for your life.
If someone steals your custom dictionary file, perhaps with malware, they can figure out a lot about you!
Beware! What's in your file?
Day Sign Notes: Manik
4 months ago
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